Shawn Colvin---Sunny came home
<br/><p align="center"><br/><img src="" border="0" alt=""/></p><br/><p align="center">Shawn Colvin于1996年推出专辑《A Few Small Repairs》,当时并没有受到关注。<br/>1998年,在第40届格莱美奖的颁奖典礼上,Shawn凭借这张专辑中的一首“Sunny Came Home”,<br/>独占最佳年度歌曲和最佳年度唱片(单曲)两项大奖,可谓一曲置千金。<br/>与Alanis Morissette、Liz Phair等摇滚女歌手相比,Shawn的演唱多了一些成熟与疲惫,<br/>作品也更显深刻与内省。Shawn Colvin借助专辑向人们表达出要倾诉的一切.....</p> <br/><div align="center"><object height="300" width="400" classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"><param value="10583" name="_cx"/><param value="7938" name="_cy"/><param value="" name="FlashVars"/><param value="" name="Movie"/><param value="" name="Src"/><param value="Window" name="WMode"/><param value="0" name="Play"/><param value="-1" name="Loop"/><param value="High" name="Quality"/><param value="" name="SAlign"/><param value="-1" name="Menu"/><param value="" name="Base"/><param value="" name="AllowScriptAccess"/><param value="ShowAll" name="Scale"/><param value="0" name="DeviceFont"/><param value="0" name="EmbedMovie"/><param value="" name="BGColor"/><param value="" name="SWRemote"/><param value="" name="MovieData"/><param value="1" name="SeamlessTabbing"/><param value="0" name="Profile"/><param value="" name="ProfileAddress"/><param value="0" name="ProfilePort"/></object><br/><br/><p align="center"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="480" bgcolor="#000000" border="0" style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse;"><tbody><tr><td rowspan="2"><marquee id="scrolltext" truespeed="truespeed" scrollamount="1" scrolldelay="200" direction="up" width="455" height="280"><font color="#ffffff" style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt;"><center><br/> Sunny came home to her favorite room <br/> Sunny sat down in the kitchen <br/> She opened a book and a box of tools <br/> Sunny came home with a mission <br/> <br/> She says days go by I'm hypnotized <br/> I'm walking on a wire <br/> I close my eyes and fly out of my mind <br/> Into the fire <br/> <br/> Sunny came home with a list of names <br/> She didn't believe in transcendence <br/> It's time for a few small repairs she said <br/> Sunny came home with a vengeance <br/> <br/> She says days go by I don't know why <br/> I'm walking on a wire <br/> I close my eyes and fly out of my mind <br/> Into the fire <br/> <br/> Get the kids and bring a sweater <br/> Dry is good and wind is better <br/> Count the years, you always knew it <br/> Strike a match, go on and do it <br/> <br/> Days go by I'm hypnotized <br/> I'm walking on a wire <br/> I close my eyes and fly out of my mind <br/> Into the fire <br/> Light the sky and hold on tight <br/> The world is burning down <br/> She's out there on her own and she's alright <br/> Sunny came home <br/> Sunny came home... </center></font></marquee></td><td width="30" style="CURSOR: hand;"><font color="#ffffff"><center>↑</center></font></td></tr><tr><td width="30" style="CURSOR: hand;"><font color="#ffffff"><center>↓</center></font></td></tr></tbody></table></p><br/><p align="center"><br/><img src="" border="0" alt=""/></p><p align="center"></p></div> 好听 下了再听!