<p> </p> <table bordercolor="#5c3366" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" width="75%" bgcolor="#121276" border="8"><tbody><tr><td><p> <font face="黑体" color="#a0a0e7" size="5"><strong>Unfaithful-----Rihanna</strong></font> </p><p> <img alt="" src="http://www.hitfm.cn/hitfm/artist/r/rihanna/image/00.jpg" border="0"/> </p></td></tr><tr><td> http://download.putclub.com/update/multitopic/ew/mtv/RihannaUnfaithful.mp3 </td></tr><tr><td><p><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong> </strong></font><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>Story of my life<br/>Searching for the right<br/>But it keeps avoiding me<br/>Sorrow in my soul<br/>cause it seems that wrong<br/>really loves my company</strong></font></p><p><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>Hes more than a man<br/>and this is more than love<br/>the reason that this guy is blue<br/>the clouds are rolling in<br/>because I'm gone again<br/>and to him I just can't be true</strong></font></p><p><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>and I know that he knows I'm unfaithful<br/>and it kills him inside<br/>to know that I am happy with some other guy<br/>I can see him dying</strong></font></p><p><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>I don't wanna do this anymore<br/>I don't wanna be the reason why<br/>Everytime I walk out the door<br/>I see him die a little more inside<br/>I don't wanna hurt him anymore<br/>I don't wanna take away his life<br/>I don't wanna be...<br/>a murderer</strong></font></p><p><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>I feel it in the air<br/>as I'm doing my hair<br/>preparing for another day<br/>A kiss up on my cheek<br/>He's here reluctantly<br/>as if I'm gonna be out late<br/>I say I won't be long<br/>Just hanging with the girls<br/>A liar didn't have to tell<br/>Because we both know<br/>where I'm about to go<br/>and we know it very well</strong></font></p><p><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>cause I know that he knows I'm unfaithful<br/>and it kills him inside<br/>to know that I am happy with some other guy<br/>I can see him dying</strong></font></p><p><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>I don't wanna do this anymore<br/>I don't wanna be the reason why<br/>Everytime I walk out the door<br/>I see him die a little more inside<br/>I don't wanna hurt him anymore<br/>I don't wanna take away his life<br/>I don't wanna be...<br/>a murderer</strong></font></p><p><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>His trust<br/>I might as well take a gun and put it to his head<br/>Get it over with<br/>I don't wanna do this<br/>Anymore (anymore)</strong></font></p><p><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>I don't wanna do this anymore<br/>I don't wanna be the reason why<br/>Everytime I walk out the door<br/>I see him die a little more inside<br/>I don't wanna hurt him anymore<br/>I don't wanna take away his life<br/>I don't wanna be...<br/>a murderer (a murderer)</strong></font></p><p><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>No no no no</strong></font></p><p><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>Yeah yeah yeah</strong></font></p></td></tr><tr><td><font color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong> </strong></font><font face="黑体" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>北美年轻的R&B/Soul女歌手Rihanna,1987年出生于加勒比海的小岛Barbados。年幼时的她就在一些场合表演以娱乐家乡大众。她的出道颇具传奇色彩,传说适逢纽约著名音乐制作人Evan Rogers和妻子在Barbados小岛上度假,Rihanna的朋友把她介绍给Evan Rogers,听完Rihanna的声音后,Evan立即就被Rihanna的演唱天赋所震惊,马上给她录制样片寄给各大唱片公司,最后,Rihanna签至Def Jam唱片公司旗下,并推出第一首成绩很不错的单曲“Pon de Replay”。而她的首张专辑Music of the Sun也于2005年8月30日上市。<br/><br/>很多人会把Rihanna归为传统的dancehall歌手,但其实Rihanna的音乐是dancehall和reggae的混合,并带有一些清新的R&B曲风。</strong></font></td></tr><tr><td><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong> </strong></font><span class="tpc_content"><font face="隶书" color="#bdbdfd" size="4"><strong>全名: Robyn Rihanna Fenty <br/>昵称:Rihanna<br/>出生日期:1988年2月20日 <br/>国籍:Bajan/圭亚那 <br/>出生地:巴巴多斯(Michael教堂圣)<br/>身高:1'73 <br/>学历:高中Combermere; 目前15级时段每周 <br/>职业:音乐家 <br/>唱片公司: Def Jam Records</strong></font></span></td></tr></tbody></table>[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-15 12:56:09编辑过]