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连续14周垄断美国排行榜首位的单曲 we belong togethe

发表于 2006-10-15 23:02:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 | 来自湖北
<img alt="" src="http://photo2.hexun.com/p/2006/0619/27914/b_33BB0B52920E27A1.jpg"/><br/><br/><strong><font color="#893289" size="4">Mariah Carey的第二首打榜单曲“We Belong Together”一举夺下了Billboard单曲榜的冠军宝座,成为她个人乐坛生涯的第16首冠军单曲!此后“We Belong Together”持续称霸,而到了6月8日,Mariah Carey的第十张个人专辑《The Emancipation Of Mimi》又重回了Billboard专辑榜榜首的位置。这是她十年来首次摘取Billboard专辑榜和单曲榜双料冠军,真可谓双喜临门!上榜13周的“We Belong Together”这首玛丽亚·凯莉招牌式的动人情歌,连续四周雄踞Billboard单曲榜的冠军位置,显示出天后重临再战乐坛的摄人气势<br/>超级好听<br/>song:【We belong together】<br/><br/>Singer:Mariah Carey<br/><br/>word:<br/><br/>I didn't mean it<br/>When I said I didn't love you so<br/>I should have held on tight<br/>I never should've let you go<br/>I did nothing<br/>I was stupid<br/>I was foolish<br/>I was lying to myself<br/>I could not fathom that I would ever<br/>Be without your love<br/>Never imagined I'd be<br/>Sitting here beside myself<br/><br/>Cuz' I didn't know you<br/>Cuz' I didn't know me<br/>But I thought I knew everything<br/>I never felt..<br/>The feeling that I'm feeling now<br/>Now that I don't hear your voice<br/>Or even touch or even kiss your lips<br/>Cause I don't have a choice<br/>What I wouldn't give<br/>To have you lying by my side<br/><br/>We belong together<br/>When you left<br/>I lost a part of me<br/>It's still so hard to believe<br/>Come back baby please come back<br/>We belong together<br/><br/>Who else am I gonna lean on<br/>When times get rough<br/>Who's gonna talk to me<br/>Till the sun comes up<br/>Who's gonna take your place<br/>Baby nobody better<br/>We belong together<br/><br/><br/>I can't sleep at night<br/>When you're all on my mind<br/>Bobby Womack's on the radio<br/>Singing to me<br/>'If you think you're lonely now'<br/>Wait a minute<br/>This is too deep, too deep<br/>I gotta change the station<br/>So I turn the dial<br/>Trying to catch a break<br/>And then I hear Babyface<br/><br/>I only think of you<br/>And it's breaking my heart<br/>I'm trying to keep it together<br/>But I'm falling apart<br/>I'm feeling all out of my element<br/>I'm throwing things<br/>Crying<br/>Trying to figure out<br/>Where the hell I went wrong<br/>The pain reflected in this song<br/>Ain't even half of what<br/>I'm feeling inside<br/>I need you<br/>Need you back in my life baby<br/><br/>When you left<br/>I lost a part of me<br/>It's still so hard to believe<br/>Come back baby please<br/>We belong together<br/><br/>Who else am I gonna lean on<br/>When times get rough<br/>Who's gonna talk to me<br/>Till the sun comes up<br/>Who's gonna take your place<br/>There ain't nobody else<br/>We belong together</font></strong>
[此贴子已经被gemini于2006-10-15 23:19:16编辑过]
发表于 2006-10-15 23:23:00 | 显示全部楼层 | 来自湖北
<p>不错</p><p>特别喜欢她和惠特妮.休斯顿合作的 when you believe</p>
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