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席琳迪翁 - That's the way it is(flv)

发表于 2007-4-12 21:22:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 | 来自湖北
<div class="t_msgfont" id="message86044"> </div><div class="t_msgfont"></div><p></p><p>i can read your mind<br/>and i konw your story<br/>i see what you're going through(yeah)<br/><font style="COLOR: #e10900;">it</font>'s an uphill climb<br/>and i'm feeling sorry<br/>but i know <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">it</font> will come to you<br/>don't surrender<br/>'cause you can him<br/>in th<font style="COLOR: #e10900;">is</font> thing called love<br/>when you want <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">it</font>
                <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">the</font> most<br/><font style="COLOR: #e10900;">the</font>re's no easy <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">way</font> out<br/>when you're ready to go<br/>and your hearts left in konbt<br/>don't give up on your fa<font style="COLOR: #e10900;">it</font>h<br/>love comes to those who believe <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">it</font>
                <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">the</font><br/>and <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">that</font>'s <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">the</font>
                <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">way</font>
                <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">it</font>
                <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">is</font><br/><br/>when you question me <br/>for a simple answer<br/>i don't know what to say(no)<br/>but <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">it</font>'s plain to see<br/>if you stick toge<font style="COLOR: #e10900;">the</font>r<br/>you're gonna find <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">the</font>
                <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">way</font><br/>so don't surrerder<br/>cause you can win<br/>in th<font style="COLOR: #e10900;">is</font> thin gcalled love <br/>when life <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">is</font> empty<br/>w<font style="COLOR: #e10900;">it</font>h no tomorrow<br/>and loneliness start to call<br/>baby don't worry <br/>forget your sorrow<br/>'cause love's gonna conquer <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">it</font> all.<br/><font style="COLOR: #e10900;">that</font>'s <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">the</font>
                <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">way</font>
                <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">it</font>
                <font style="COLOR: #e10900;">is</font><br/><br/></p>
[此贴子已经被浅草依依于2007-4-14 10:24:54编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-14 10:47:00 | 显示全部楼层 | 来自湖北
发表于 2007-4-14 10:25:00 | 显示全部楼层 | 来自湖北
发表于 2007-4-14 13:16:00 | 显示全部楼层 | 来自湖北
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